Louisville Restaurant Inspection Scores

ABC Placards
A = 85-100% with No Critical Violations
B = To include ALL facilities that have failed 2 regular consecutive inspections, failed a follow-up inspection, or was closed during the regular inspection due to imminent public health violations.
C = 84% or below to include ALL inspections with critical violations.
The Director of Health or his/her designee shall remove and re-post the applicable placard following inspection.
A placard – Green – Acknowledges safe food handling practices and designates a facility meets the requirements of The Kentucky State Food Code without critical violations. The A placard shall remain posted until the next routine inspection.
B placard – Blue – Indicates the facility has failed 2 consecutive inspections prior to passing the most recent follow-up. The B placard may also represent that a facility was recently closed due to imminent public health violations, then re-inspected and opened after passing a follow-up inspection. This facility has not shown due regard for public health. The B placard shall remain posted until the facility passes their next regular inspection. A facility that fails two (2) consecutive regular inspections will be under administrative review.
C placard– Red – Indicates that a food service facility has failed to meet minimum requirements of The Kentucky State Food Code upon the most recent inspection. This will include a score with any critical violations. The C placard shall be placed for a minimum of seven (7) days and not more than ten (10) days. A follow-up inspection must be conducted and the applicable placard posted.
A facility that is closed by the Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness for imminent public health violations, regardless of the numeric score, will be required to post a B placard after passing the next follow-up inspection. The B placard will be posted regardless of the passing numeric score. The B placard must be displayed until the next routine inspection.
Mobile Food Service establishments that fail a regular inspection and/or follow-up inspection are required to provide to the Department of Public Health and Wellness an operational schedule for the 10 days following the date of failure.
Facilities which are required to post placards, pursuant to Chapter 400 of the Board of Health Sanitary Code, include: Food Service Establishments (605) and Retail Food Establishments (607) which are defined in Chapter 400 and KRS 217.015.
Critical Violations
• Food from an unapproved source
• Spoiled food
• Food at unsafe temperatures
• Improper re-serving of food
• Personnel with infections not restricted from work
• Improper hand washing
• Bare hand contact with ready-to-eat food
• Employees eating, drinking or smoking while preparing food
• Person in charge without knowledge of safe food practices or not present
• Food contact surfaces not designed or installed properly, not clean, or in disrepair
• Improper dish and equipment washing; without proper temperature or sanitizer
• Safe hot and cold running water not present
• Improper disposal of sewage and waste, sewage pipe leaking or back-up
• Hand washing sinks are not designed, installed, accessible, or working properly
• Insects, rodents, birds, turtles or other animals present
• Toxic items not labeled, stored next to food or improperly used
• Consumer advisory for undercooked food not posted
• Lack of a convenient hand sink
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